AIC’s primary brand color is gold, accompanied by either black or white. When using a gold color, ensure that it is as close as possible to one of the options below. Yellow, metallic gold, orange, or other colors are not an acceptable substitution. Please note the color composition option when considering the media (digital, print, etc.)
AIC’s preferred font and general default choice for display communications is Museo Sans. Of the weights available, Museo Sans 700 is the preferred header typeface and Museo Sans 300 is preferred for general use and in paragraphs. While not available be default on most devices, the Museo Sans font package is available for download on When not available, standard business fonts such as Calibri, Arial, or Times New Roman are acceptable for use. Unless otherwise specified for use in design, avoid novelty typefaces (Papyrus, Comic Sans, etc.) for any branded communication, whether internal or external.
The Office of Marketing and Communications maintains a large library of photography depicting academic settings, athletics, student life activities, campus events, and more. These images are available upon request.
When incorporating photography into a communication representing AIC, be sure to consider how each image presents the College, and be mindful of setting, apparel, individuals represented, and current relevance. Avoid outdated representations of campus and be mindful of any members of the public that may be pictured without prior release.
Please contact the Office of Marketing and Communications to request photography coverage for an event, headshots, or other activities.
© 2025 American International College