The continued success of AIC comes from the commitment of those who celebrate it year after year through reunions, good memories, and financial support. Those who give regularly, no matter how large or how small, provide vital funds that create a foundation of future success.
What does LEAD stand for? Well, it is our acronym for Loyal Engaged Annual Donors. It’s an opportunity to show special recognition to donors who contribute year after year following the College’s fiscal year (July 1–June 30). Consistent support is what leads current generations into the future!
Alumni, parents, faculty, staff, and friends join the LEAD Society at 3 or more consecutive fiscal years of giving, regardless of the size of their gift.
Alumni, parents, faculty, staff, and friends become distinguished Lifetime LEADers with 30 or more consecutive fiscal years of giving, regardless of the size of their gift.
For more information, please contact the Office of Institutional Advancement.
Office of Institutional Advancement
I believe it’s important to give and help others. My education from AIC has served me well. Many leadership skills were learned from fellow AIC classmates, instructors, and social activities. I am grateful for my four years at AIC.
We give because we want other students to have the opportunity we were given. Neither of us could have finished without the help of alumni before us.
To give back to a school that gave so much to me. Both in the classroom and on the field.
© 2025 American International College