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The Bachelor of Science in Esports and Gaming addresses the greatest needs in the esports and gaming industry—identified through interviews with major companies including Capcom and Riot. AIC’s coursework provides students with the necessary context for understanding the games industry, and a basic understanding of how technology-based companies get things done. You’ll get expert insights into esports events planning and promotion, and gain a unique understanding of the complexities specific to managing esports teams and leagues.
Note: Enrollment for Fall 2025 is closed.
Unity – Unity is the world’s most-used game engine. It powers 50% of Mobile games and 60% of Augmented-Reality and Virtual Reality content. The Unity engine is intended to be readily accessible, low-cost, and powerful. The Introduction to Games Course was developed using materials provided by Unity.
IGDA – The IGDA (International Game Developers Association) is a nonprofit professional association whose stated mission is to “support and empower game developers around the world in achieving fulfilling and sustainable careers.” The Esports & Gaming Major was developed with significant input from the IGDA’s Game Education Chair, Suzanne Freyjadis, and conforms to the IGDA 2020 curriculum framework as closely as possible.
Major Requirements
ACC1201 Financial Accounting
ACC2210 Managerial Accounting
ACC3411 Cost Accounting
BUS3000 Business Law
COM1281 Introduction to Mass Communication
ECO1401 Macroeconomics
ECO1402 Microeconomics
FIN2003 Managerial Finance
MIS1300 Business Analytics with Excel
MGT1400 Principles of Management
MGT2400 Organizational Behavior
MGT3201 Business and Society
MGT4800 Senior Policy Seminar
MKT1450 Principles of Marketing
MKT2600 Consumer Behavior
MKT3620 Social Media Marketing
PSY1200 Introduction to Psychology
VDA2210 Digital Storytelling
ESM1200 Introduction to Gaming
ESM2000 Introduction to Esports Management
ESM3000 Convention, Event and Trade Show Planning
ESM4000 Distribution of Games
ESM4899 Internship in Esports Administration
Choose one of the following:
PHI1000 Introduction to Critical Thinking
PHI1200 Introduction to Philosophy
Minor Requirements
MGT1400 Principles of Management
MKT1450 Principles of Marketing
ESM1200 Introduction to Gaming
ESM2000 Introduction to Esports Management
ESM3000 Convention, Event and Trade Show Planning
ESM4000 Distribution of Games
Topics include: the basic structure, principles, and practices of accounting; the nature and classification of accounts; the accounting cycle and the preparation of financial statements for both service and merchandising enterprises; design of accounting systems, including special journals and subsidiary ledgers; and coverage of cash, receivables, inventories, deferrals, accruals, plant assets, intangible assets, and current liabilities. Lecture classes and laboratory sessions meet at least four times per week. Laboratory fee.
This course is a study of accounting as it serves the needs of management, principally in planning operations, controlling activities, and making decisions. Course emphasis is on the use of accounting by those seeking careers in other areas of business. Topics covered include cost terms, concepts, and classifications; job-order costing; process costing; cost behavior analysis and use; cost-volume-profit relationships; profit planning; standard costs; flexible budgets and overhead analysis; and relevant costs for decision making.
This course is a study of accounting as it serves the needs of management, principally in planning, controlling, decision making, and determining product cost for pricing, inventory valuation, and income determination. Course emphasis is on the use of this information by those seeking careers in management accounting. Topics covered include cost terms, concepts, and classifications; job-order costing; process costing; cost behavior analysis and use; cost-volume-profit relationships; profit planning with the master budget; standard costs; flexible budgets and overhead analysis; measuring managerial performance; pricing and services; and relevant costs for decision making.
This course introduces students to the fundamentals of law and the legal system as these apply to business transactions. Specific topics covered in the course are: contracts, agency, intellectual property rights, negotiable instruments, forms of business ownership, personal property, and real property.
Students will study theories of mass communication and the role that mass communicators play in modern society. The rise of print and electronic media will be discussed in detail. Special attention will be given to the rights, responsibilities and practices of mass media and merging trends.
This course is devoted to the study of the fundamental principles and processes of an economic system, with special emphasis on the coordination and control of the United States economy. Emphasis is on the macroeconomic approach.
This course examines individual decision making in various applied economic environments. Areas of application include international trade, market structures, labor markets, and various U. S. institutional environments, both public and private. Basic emphasis is on the microeconomic approach.
This course introduces the student to financial management, with emphasis on the identification and solution of the financial problems facing business enterprises. Basic financial analysis is examined in concert with management of working capital, management of long-term assets, cost of capital, and long-term financing. Basic modern quantitative analytic techniques are used to introduce students to improved forecasting and planning methods.
This course offers an introduction to the principles of management and their application to business. The basic management concepts of planning, organizing, controlling, motivating, communicating, staffing, and leading provide the basis for understanding of the management profession and a basis upon which higher level management courses can build more specialized knowledge.
This course provides a conceptual framework for understanding and studying the dynamics of behavior in organizational settings and for applying these concepts to improving organizational effectiveness. Included are personality, organizational theory and structure, the decision process, the communication process, group dynamics and leadership, and conflict resolution.
Current issues of ethics in society as they affect business behavior will be discussed. Topics include the social responsibilities of business, environmental issues, human rights and technological progress, business ethics, and an analysis of global societal values.
This meets the requirement as a writing intensive course in the major. This seminar is designed to provide the student with an opportunity to apply the wide array of knowledge gained through his/her academic program to various real world situations. The student’s knowledge application will be assessed through the analysis of complex business case problems.
Marketing is a key activity that enables businesses and organizations to achieve their goals by satisfying the needs of others through mutually beneficial relationships. This course will provide students with an understanding of important marketing theory and practices, including: the marketing concept; the marketing environment; market segmentation, product positioning; product and brand strategies; pricing strategies, marketing communication strategies; distribution strategies; consumer and business buying behavior; and electronic marketing.
A thorough understanding of consumer behavior is the bedrock of any successful marketing strategy. Some of the topics to be covered with respect to their effect on consumer behavior include consumer decision-making; attitudes and purchase intentions; cognition and emotion; cultural and social factors; learning theories; attention and perception of marketing stimuli; and involvement. Theories and concepts will be drawn from marketing, psychology, communication, and sociology.
Social media has changed the much of the playing field in marketing and advertising. Through social media, customers now have access to the vast experiences of other customers to guide their purchase behavior. Conversation and participation are the norms in social media and social communities. Marketers now must embrace this new relationship with customers to be successful. In this course, students will learn about the different types of social media, create social media marketing strategy, and create content and engagement strategies for various social media and sites platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, blogs, and YouTube.
Students will learn how to communicate multilevel stories of a place, moment, person or time by creating multimedia projects. Working with text, still photography, video, music and audio, students will create digital stories and post them online. Students will combine timeless art principles (including viewpoint, composition, light, angle and setting) with literary fundamentals (such plot diagramming and character development) to create modern video projects.
Games sit at the intersection of technology, art, and culture, so success within the games industry requires you to understand all three. This course explores why we love games, what role they play in society, and the industry that produces them. You’ll also learn the basics of game development. This course was developed in partnership with Unity and the IGDA to help everyone interested in the games industry start on the right foot. This online class has optional live sessions. PREREQUISITE: Declared Esports and Gaming Administration major or minor
Esports is one of the fastest growing industries, attracting 450 million viewers and generating over $1bn in revenue in 2020. This course will introduce you to the history of competitive gaming and will explore its ecosystem. You will learn to navigate Esports leagues, teams, players, publishers, tournament operators, media and affiliate organizations. Furthermore, you’ll get firsthand experience in analyzing the space. This online course has optional live sessions. PREREQUISITES: MGT1400, ESM1200
Esports and Gaming companies rely heavily on conventions for marketing. Shows like TGS, PAX and E3 attract audiences from 60,000-300,000 and are tremendous opportunities for companies to generate excitement and drive sales. This course will teach you how to turn a gaming convention into a big win. By the end of this course, you’ll understand how to handle planning, marketing and logistics for a corporate presence at a major convention. This online course has optional live sessions. PREREQUISITES: MKT1250, ESM2000
The role of a publisher in the games industry is to ensure that a game can get in front of its audience successfully. To do that, a publisher must consider a variety of distribution strategies and channels. This course will teach you how publishers promote games and bring them to market. By the end of this class you will be able to plan a game’s launch and promotion. This online class features optional live sessions. PREREQUISITE: ESM3000
An internship provides an experiential learning opportunity, typically with a company, government agency, or community-based or non-profit organization. The internship links classroom learning and student interest with the application of and further acquisition of knowledge in an applied, supervised work setting. A 3-credit internship requires no less than 126 hours of work at the site. PREREQUISITES: ESM3000, and junior or senior status.
This course offers a careful examination of the various standards that must be observed if one is to read, write, and think critically. It surveys common sources of confusion and error, such as ambiguity, vagueness, propaganda, political rhetoric, misleading advertising, misuse of evidence, improper reliance upon authority and tradition, and other varieties of fallacious reasoning.
This course provides a critical examination of several philosophical problems, including the nature and scope of knowledge, the freedom-determinism issue, the question of the existence of a God, and the status of moral judgments.
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