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The major in Graphic Arts and Design offers students job training in Graphic Design coupled with training in visual art and marketing. Students in this major will be able to develop exciting graphic artwork that they can market, sell, and link to broad artistic principles. Graduates will be able to work professionally in education, healthcare, public and private settings. Students in this major are required to take a minor.
Major Requirements 48 Credit Major
GAD 1200 Studio Art for the Graphic Artist
GAD 1212 Graphic Design I Typography and Web Design
COM 1410 Digital Photo I
MKT 1450 Principles of Marketing
COM 2411 Digital Photo II
GAD 2412 Graphic Design II: Production Techniques w lab
GAD 2540 Digital Press Production
GAD 2740 3D, Screen and Vinyl Printing
GAD 3412 Graphic Design III Advanced Typography and Layout Design w Lab
COM 3462 Digital Photography III
MKT 3500 Advertising
GAD 3880 Packaging Design and Publishing
GAD 4412 Graphic Design IV: Color Management and Reproduction w Lab
GAD 4580Digital Illustration
GAD 4899 Internship
Minor Requirements 19 credits
GAD 1200 Studio Art for the Graphic Artist
GAD 1212 Graphic Design I Typography and Web Design
COM 1410 Digital Photo I
GAD 2412 Graphic Design II: Production Techniques w lab
MKT 3500 Advertising
GAD 3880 Packaging Design and Publishing
Students will learn the principles and elements of art. They will learn techniques and processes to translate ideas into form coupling graphic and studio art-based concepts. The paint brush and stylus will be used to create the same image on screen and canvas. Students will also employ the stages of the artistic process to develop creative problem-solving skills. A vocabulary for participating in critiques will be introduced. Topics include color, form, space, line, pattern, rhythm, balance, perspective, and abstraction. PREREQUISITE: None
This first of a four-course progression I Graphic Arts and Design will offer students graphic design theory, composition, and production skills. Proficiency with the industry standard software tools of Illustrator, Photoshop, and InDesign. Students will learn the fundamentals of designing communication materials, including effectively conveying messages with typography, images, and symbols; logo and web design; branding and visual identity. Students will create communications pieces that promote themselves as well as benefit the AIC community. PREREQUISITE: GAD 1200.
Fundamental visual art principles constitute the basis of effective visual communication. This hands-on course explores these fundamentals while applying the creative approaches unique to digital photography. Students will learn how to use advanced digital cameras (DSLR) to create an on-line portfolio, as well techniques to manage and archive media. In addition, students will develop a framework to analyze and evaluate photographs, whether created by themselves or others. PREREQUISITE: None
Marketing is a key activity that enables businesses and organizations to achieve their goals by satisfying the needs of others through mutually beneficial relationships. This course will provide students with an understanding of important marketing theory and practices, including: the marketing concept; the marketing environment; market segmentation, product positioning; product and brand strategies; pricing strategies, marketing communication strategies; distribution strategies; consumer and business buying behavior; and electronic marketing.
This course builds on and deepens work with the fundamental visual art principles introduced in Digital Photography I. Students will employ advanced techniques using digital cameras and the college’s digital darkroom (Adobe Photoshop). Students will enhance their online portfolios, as well as create hands-on communication projects that benefit the college community. The framework for analyzing and evaluating images will be expanded.
This second of a four-course progression in Graphic Arts and Design will help students develop projects that will be distributed across multiple channels in print, on screen, and online. This course will emphasize the balance between technical and creative processes. Students will create several projects to advance their understanding of multifaceted design techniques in print and on the web, including websites, social media marketing, communication design, and advertising. Students will create their own portfolio website using art and design from their personal and academic collections, while focusing on communication, user experience and interface, mobile compatibility, and visual identity cohesion. This will also include communications pieces that benefit the AIC Community. PREREQUISITE: GAD1212
This course will familiarize students with the theory and operation of Digital press. The technical components of these presses will be detailed emphasizing the advantages and limitations of the process, enabling the student to maximize their design capabilities. Printing substrates will be presented in detail along with color matching systems. PREREQUISITE: None
This course is an introduction to 3D, screen and vinyl printing. Student designed activities are supported by exercises that provide quality and control for printing process. Emphasis of the course is centered on establishing repeatability of the printing process by controlling variables; photographic stencil systems; single and multiple color image design, conversion assembly and transfer; multidimensional work, sheet-fed manual, and flat substrate printing applications of simple and complex close register line images. PREREQUISITE: None
The third in a four-course progression in Graphic Arts and Design, blends design for print and web seamlessly. Students will work in a workshop environment paired with a directed module format. Students will utilize photo, video, sound, illustration, and typography for work that reflects web, print, and social platform environments in an array of assignment types, and complete a full branding kit, one-page website, and mixed print/social campaign – all necessary requirements for working in the industry. PREREQUISITE: GAD2412
This course cultivates the development of a student’s personal photographic style. Students will consciously explore a range of genres, such as nature photography, abstract photography, commercial photography, and landscape photography. Students will also investigate a variety of tools, ranging from shooting film to using studio lighting. Culminating projects that benefit the college community will be created. PREREQUISITES: COM 2411, COM 1410
Emphasis is placed on practical use of advertising in the operation of the ordinary business, including the study of the various media available and their use. Sufficient time is spent on the role of advertising in the marketing mix and its effects upon our economy. Included is the study of the fundamentals of advertising creation: research, appeals, copy, illustration, layout, and reproduction. A study of the advertising agency includes analyses of current advertising campaigns and types of media chosen for such campaigns.
This course will present aspects of the packaging industry and the array of materials and processes used in the design and production of packaging for consumer goods. Lectures will include the fundamentals of package construction, graphic design and production and the package’s relationship to the product itself. Projects will incorporate design concepts, layout execution, and preparation of production art for specialty packages. PREREQUISITE: GAD 3412
This fourth course in the four-course progression in Graphic Arts and Design, will begin by exploring some of the many fascinating aspects of color, including the nature of light and color perception. The course will delve into the world of color measurement and specification. Topics will include color printing characteristics, color standardization, hi-fi color, color proofing, and color management. Students will learn to evaluate and effectively proof color. PREREQUISITE: GAD 3412
This lecture course covers the rendering of images for illustration. Students will learn the techniques of drawing with a computer. Topics discussed will include visual composition, form, space, perspective, color, and modern art history, as well as Postscript and EPS format. Students will also engage in exercises and projects using the Adobe programs Illustrator vector-based drawing program and the Adobe Acrobat PDF program. PREREQUISITE: Senior Status or permission of the instructor.
This supervised work experience will offer the students the opportunity to work for a professional entity. The semester prior to taking this course, students, with the help of faculty and staff will secure internship placement. Students must complete 126 hours of work for a professional entity across the semester in which they take this course. Students will set internship goals and will be assessed on those goals four times, week 5, mid-term, week 11 and final. This course will meet once weekly to prepare for assessments and to share effective ways to best manage the internship experience. At the completion of the internship, students will present their accomplishments as part of a weeklong internship event. PREREQUISITE: Junior/ Senior Status
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