Legal Notices

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Please Note

In an effort to meet its compliance obligations, specifically pertaining to online student complaints, American International College has provided the following legal notices. Please select a notice from the table below.

For more information regarding these notices, please contact AIC’s Office of Human Resources at 413.205.3246.

This page was last updated December 2023.

American International College Legal Notices

Professional Licensure and Certification Requirements


  • Professional licensure and certification requirements vary from state to state. Licensure and certification in one state do not guarantee automatic licensure in another state. American International College offers courses and programs that may lead to professional licensure or certification in states outside of Massachusetts. American International College has not made a determination that its curriculum meets State educational requirements for licensure or certification in states outside of Massachusetts.
  • Students in programs that lead (or may lead) to out-of-state licensure or certification should speak to their American International College Academic Advisors and/or Program Directors about licensure requirements.
  • At this time, American International College cannot confirm if programs meet the prerequisites for professional licensure or certification outside of Massachusetts.
  • Out-of-state students should consult relevant associations, boards, agencies or governmental bodies within their states for licensure and/or certification information. The Excel document here contains the relevant CONTACT INFORMATION FOR APPLICABLE STATE LICENSING BOARDS is organized by state.

Student Complaint Process – Online Education

Student Complaint Process – Online Education

American International College strives to ensure that each student’s experience in distance education courses at the College is of the highest quality. Should it be necessary, the College encourages students and prospective students to complete the linked form to file a grievance about online learning. Your request will be forwarded to the Chief Academic Officer and the appropriate school Dean who will work with you to find a resolution.

What to do if AIC cannot resolve your complaint

If you are a resident of an NC-SARA participant state, you may be entitled to additional complaint resolution services. Grading and student conduct violations are governed entirely by AIC’s institutional policy and the laws of Massachusetts. NC-SARA does not provide any additional support for these concerns. For all other types of student complaints and concerns, the student may appeal to the Massachusetts Department of Higher Education’s NC-SARA Portal Entity and/or NC-SARA within two years of the incident if they have exhausted all other avenues for corrective actions.

To file an appeal with Massachusetts NC-SARA Portal Entity, please visit:

For Online Students Located in SARA Member States and Territories

After you have exhausted the complaint procedures made available by American International College at file a grievance about online learning, you may file a complaint with the DHE by using the SARA complaint form. The DHE SARA complaint form should be used by students who are located in SARA member states and territoriesThis includes all students who are located in SARA member states and territories for the purposes of completing out-of-state learning placements, such as internships, practica, clinical experiences, etc. in SARA member states and territories outside Massachusetts.

Additional information from the DHE’s SARA complaint website is below:

The SARA complaint process is as follows:

  1. Students must first attempt to resolve their complaint using internal administrative procedures offered by the SARA institution.
  2. After all administrative remedies have been exhausted with the MA-SARA institution, the student may submit a SARA Complaint via the URL below.
  3. The Department shall send a copy of the complaint to the institution that is the subject of the complaint.
  4. Within 30 days of the date that the Department sends a copy of the complaint to the institution, the institution must provide a written response to the student and the Department.

More information about DHE’s complaint processes can be found here.

For Online Students in Non-SARA Member States and Territories

After you have exhausted the complaint procedures made available by American International College at file a grievance about online learning, if your complaint has not been resolved, you may file a complaint with the Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office (AGO) by using the consumer complaint form. The AGO consumer complaint form should be used by students who are located in non-SARA member states or territories (e.g., California, Guam, etc.).

Notice of Non-Discrimination

American International College (the “College”) is committed to providing equal employment opportunities and equal educational opportunities. AIC is dedicated to maintaining an environment that is free from discrimination and harassment and that encourages mutual respect.

The full notices of non-discrimination can be found in the Student Handbook and in the Employee Handbook.

Student Records and FERPA

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords eligible students certain rights with respect to their education records.

The full FERPA policy can be found in the Student Handbook.

College Communications Notice
AIC Outlook Email ( and the myAIC portal ( are the main official forms of communication by AIC to students. Students are responsible for using and consistently checking their campus assigned email address and myAIC portal. Students should not use personal email to communicate official College business.

Student Use of American International College Directories
American International College maintains a number of directories and address lists to facilitate personal contact between students, faculty, staff, alumni, and volunteers. These directories or address lists may not be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the Dean of Students, or designee. Any use of the addresses or other information such as mailing labels or e-mail distribution lists for any multiple mailing without the prior written permission of the Dean of Students, or designee, is prohibited.

Student Personal Property
American International College is not responsible for students’ personal property. Students are strongly encouraged to have personal property insurance for their belongings. This type of insurance may be available and covered under applicable homeowners’ insurance policies or it is available as separate insurance coverage from many providers. Students and their parents should check their current insurance policies for coverage and consider additional coverage, if necessary. Coverage can be obtained from a variety of providers including


The full demonstrations policy can be found in the Student Handbook.


No student or person representing any company is permitted to offer any product or service for purchase on the American International College Campus without prior approval.

The full solicitation policy can be found in the Student Handbook.

Clery Act
American International College complies with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act. The College’s annual security report contains a summary of American International College’s Campus Police Department’s procedures along with required crime statistics.

American International College is committed to assisting all members of the AIC community in providing for their own safety and security. The College’s annual security compliance document is available on the American International College Website at on our Campus Safety page. Please see the Student Handbook for more policy information.

Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act (EADA)

In compliance with the Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act, an annual report containing data concerning gender equity in our intercollegiate athletic programs is available upon request.

More information about the EADA can be found in the Student Handbook.

Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act
The Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act is a federal law that provides for the tracking of convicted, registered sex offenders enrolled as students at institutions of higher education, or working or volunteering on campus. Members of the campus community may obtain information concerning Massachusetts registered sex offenders online at or by contacting any of the following:

Sex Offenders Registry Board
Commonwealth of Massachusetts
P.O. Box 4547
Salem, MA 01970

Massachusetts Law Against Hazing

Massachusetts Law requires that certain information be issued to students, student groups, teams, and organizations.

The full anti-hazing policy can be found in the Student Handbook.

Drug Free Schools and Communities Act

American International College, in accordance with federal legislation and College policy, is committed to providing a drug-free, healthy and safe environment for all students, faculty and staff.

The full Drug-Free Schools & Communities Act policy can be found in the Student Handbook.

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