Due to inclement weather the College is closed today, Thursday February 6.

Saremi Center for Career Development

Putting your education to work

At AIC, we’re concerned with more than your time on campus — we ensure you’re prepared for life off of it too.

The Saremi Center for Career Development has an extensive list of full-time, part-time, summer and internship opportunities through our job database. You can also prep for interviews and take various personality and leadership assessments to match your skills with job titles. Check out all that we have to offer:

Work Study

Career Development posts all work study positions provided by the college on the Work Study Career Development Database. We are your single point of contact for work study.


Our Career Development database is where we post all jobs on or off campus including work study and internship positions. You can use this service even after you graduate.


Internships can be found on our Career Development Database. Check with Career Development to see what paperwork you need to complete in order to receive credit.

Resume and Cover Letter

We have many resources to help you build and or improve your resume and cover letter. To make an appointment with Career Development, walk in or call 413.205.3237.

Mock Interviews

If you have an interview coming up or just want to sharpen your interviewing skills, make an appointment for a mock interview. We tailor our interview questions to the job or field in order to prepare you better.

Majors Fair/Testing/Counseling

Are you undecided or unsure what to do with your major? Come in for a career planning discussion about your interests, major and possible careers.


We have many workshops prepared including:

  1. How to get the Most out of a Career Fair
  2. Resume and Cover Letter Writing
  3. Dress for Success
  4. Interviewing, and more

Get a group of friends, teammates or frat mates together, or ask your instructors to invite Career Development into your class to do a workshop.

Career/Job Fairs

Take advantage of this great opportunity, offered in both the fall and the spring.

Career Planning

So you know what you want. How are you going to get it? Learn Strategies and techniques to position yourself for the job you want. Informal Interviewing, effective networking and using social media as a job source tool.

Career Resources.

Start thinking about your career. See how much you might earn with our salary calculator, learn more about different industries of interest to you, discover which schools specialize in specific career paths or visit the Saremi Center for Career Development

Check out AIC JOBS

The Saremi Center maintains a job/internship database for its students. To see a current list of job postings, just click on this link and set up an account:

Submit jobs, internships, or other opportunities

To submit jobs, internships, and other opportunities to the AIC Swarm JOBS, please create an account here. For inquiries or assistance, please email saremicenter@aic.edu or call 413.654.1411.

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