Peer Mentor Program

Adjusting to your new life

Going to college is a big deal. You’re in a new place with new people doing things you’ve never done before. Our Peer Mentor Program puts you in touch with older students who can help you with the transition.

Who are the peer mentors?

Our peer mentors are sophomores, juniors, and seniors who have completed an extensive one-week training session prior to the new school year. They learn things like conflict resolution, mentoring, and leadership skills. Your mentors are available to you and your family throughout your freshman year for advice and guidance.

First Year Seminar

Peer mentors are also involved with our First Year Seminar, which is required for all first year students. Mentors, along with seminar instructors, tackle many topics that you might face as a new student — managing your time, meeting new friends, money management, study skills and more.

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