Noonan Tutoring Services


The Noonan Tutoring Center is dedicated to supporting the educational mission of American International College by providing academic support to undergraduate students by trained peer tutors and graduate assistants. Through individualized and group tutoring along with study skills workshops, we help students work toward their potential in a welcoming and encouraging environment where learning is the priority, personal growth and development are nurtured and long-term success is supported. The Noonan Tutoring Center believes that all students, regardless of background, have the potential to earn a college degree leading to a successful career.

The Noonan Tutoring Center

The Noonan Tutoring Center offers free tutoring to all students enrolled at American International College. It is a peer-based program designed to provide one-on-one assistance and small group support to undergraduate students in a variety of courses and disciplines. Our tutors must meet strict qualifications before being hired and undergo a rigorous training program prior to beginning their work as a peer tutor.

Students will learn how to process course material as well as sharpen their reasoning and questioning skills so that they can become independent learners. Sessions are process-oriented, learner-centered, and require the active involvement of each student. Tutors will also assist students with organization, taking notes, test taking, citation, and study skills. We also hold weekly workshops in these topics led by graduate assistants.

Students also have the opportunity to apply to become a peer tutor with a professor’s recommendation. We believe in a holistic, team approach to work with students from their freshman year to graduation.

To learn more about our services, please subscribe to our YouTube channel.

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