Non Degree programs

AIC offers students the opportunity to take a class for academic credit, without applying for acceptance into the College.

Registration Dates

For Semester Registration period begins Registration period ends
Spring November 15 Day before Spring semester begins
Summer 1 April 15 Day before Summer 1
Summer 2 April 15 Day Before Summer 2
Fall April 15 Day before fall semester begins

Course Search:


Tuition: $760 per credit, plus $30.00 registration fees. Additional fees may apply, depending on the course. Consult the list of additional fees.

Important Guidelines:

  1. Students may take up to 15 credits as non-degree before applying for admission.
  2. Students must submit documentation of high school graduation or GED completion.
  3. Payment is due at the time of registration. Refunds are only issued if the course is cancelled.
  4. Registration is not finalized until accepted by AIC and is limited to space availability.
  5.  Consult the Academic Calendar for drop/withdrawal dates
  6. Questions? Please contact the Registrar’s Office at or 413.205.3212


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