A: Students, faculty and staff can change their current mailing address by visiting the Registrar’s Office and completing the proper form.
A: AIC is no longer using CAMS to track grades, but instead using a system called Jenzabar. To learn how to access grades through Jenzabar, see the following My Academic Info FAQ located on myAIC. This will answer any questions you have regarding accessing your grades.
A: You must complete a Change of Major form and have the Dean of the academic department approve your change. Submit the signed form to the Registrar’s Office. The form may be obtained in the Registrar’s Office or download it here.
A: You must fill out an Application for Degree or Certificate form, preferably when you register for your last semester’s classes. The submission of this form will alert us to audit your progress and to prepare a diploma for you. You must file an application even if you do not wish to participate in the Commencement Exercises.
Your graduation and diploma are not “automatic.” The form may be obtained in the Registrar’s Office, or download it from the Forms page.
A: A transcript is a comprehensive record of an individual’s academic progress, including transferred undergraduate courses, credit earned by examination, and degrees awarded. Your name will appear on your transcript as it appears on your college record. Official transcripts include the AIC seal and the signature of the registrar. AIC transcripts are printed on security paper that includes tests for authenticity. When mailed, transcripts arrive in sealed envelopes with seal and signature of the registrar across the back flap of the envelope.
A: The following items will prevent the issuing of transcripts:
A: You must complete a Request for Official Transcript form. The form may be obtained in the Registrar’s Office, or download it from the Forms page.
A: A free, official Enrollment Verification Certificate may be obtained in the Registrar’s Office. You can also download it from the Forms page.
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