
Blackboard is AIC’s learning management system (LMS), and is used by faculty to post syllabi and other information, distribute reading, send emails and announcements, collect assignments, administer tests, and create integrative experiences. Blackboard is an important part of your academic experience at AIC. Blackboard is also used for our Online Courses. For more information on what to expect in an online course, visit our Online Programs page.

Getting Help

Please complete a Web Help Desk request or contact the Help Desk at 413-205-3402 if you experience any difficulty accessing Blackboard. If you are a faculty member who would like training, please contact Sam Kline, Director of Faculty Development at or 413.205.3801

Logging into Blackboard

All faculty and students can access Blackboard from the myAIC portal. Once logged into the portal using your AIC email address and password, locate the Quick Links area and click on the link to Blackboard. You will be passed directly into the Blackboard system and you will have access to your courses.

Please contact the Help Desk if you experience trouble logging into My AIC or Blackboard.

Blackboard and Your Email

Blackboard allows you to send email to instructors and students in your courses without launching an external email client, such as Outlook, Gmail or Yahoo. Emails sent via Blackboard will be sent from your AIC email account, and any emails from your instructor or other students will be received in your AIC email account. Therefore, students should check their AIC email account regularly.

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