HIPAA Notice of Privacy Practices

This notice describes how medical information about you may be used and disclosed and how you can get access to this information. Please review it carefully.

According to the federal law called HIPAA (Health Information Portability and Accountability Act), disclosures of information about you for some purposes do not need special consent. These disclosures are for the purposes of providing your medical care or for billing your insurer. Your healthcare provider may discuss your medical problems with other healthcare providers without special consent. We may contact your insurer about a claim without special consent (although this would be rare as most charges are covered by the Health Services fee). We may arrange for your care from a pharmacy without special consent.

There are some disclosures of your private information that are required by law, such as reporting certain diseases to the public health agencies and reporting victims of abuse or suspected infliction of harm to self or others.

We may not disclose your protected health information to family members, friends, or College personnel who may be involved with your care without your expressed consent. Consent may be provided in writing or by direct instruction to the health care provider.

You have the right to request and we have the right to accommodate any reasonable request for you to receive confidential information by alternative means or at alternative locations. For example, you might wish to receive a letter from us at an address not your usual residence, and we would try to accommodate you.

You have a right to inspect and receive a copy (for a fee) of your health information in this office. American International College Dexter Health Services may deny access to records if there were a question of endangerment to you or to others by that access.

You have a right to request an amendment of your confidential information, but we have a right to deny that request in certain circumstances. You cannot amend a record we did not create.

Internal Disclosures

Counseling Center

We may disclose your protected health information pertaining to mental health issues to Counseling Services providers for purposes of consultation.

Health Science Majors

We will be disclosing private health information (immunizations, titers, and physical examination dates) relevant to participation in clinical experiences to Health Sciences faculty and staff.

Intercollegiate Athletes

We will be disclosing private health information relevant to practice or play to the athletic trainers, coaches, and athletic administration. We proactively intend to follow the letter and spirit of the confidentiality law.

If you have a complaint about privacy of your medical records, or you believe that your privacy rights have been violated you may:

Complain in writing, addressed to:

Privacy Officer Health Services
American International College
1000 State Street
Springfield, MA 01109

The effective date of this policy is 04/01/2015. A printed version of this notice is available upon request.

It is the policy of American International College that no retaliatory action will be made against any individual who submits or conveys a complaint of suspected or actual non-compliance or violations of the privacy standard.

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