American International College uses the Everbridge Campus notification/emergency messaging system. This allows students, staff and faculty to receive notifications of school closure, delays, and emergencies via text messages, email, and voicemail.
As a member of the AIC community, you can log into myAIC and update your mobile phone number. Click here to update.
The aic homepage ( and myaic portal ( will be updated as early as possible when there is any notification of weather delay or closure.
Employees and students will also receive notice via everbridge email in the event of a campus closure.
American International College, in accordance with the Higher Education Opportunity Act, will “immediately notify the campus community upon the confirmation of a significant emergency or dangerous situation involving an immediate threat to the health or safety of students or staff.” Warnings may only be withheld if they compromise efforts to contain the emergency. Warnings are to be issued without delay following confirmation of an emergency.
The American International College Campus Police provide timely warnings to faculty, staff, and students as required. These warnings are disseminated through the Everbridge Campus notification/emergency messaging system. This system allows faculty, staff, and students to receive notifications of school closure, delays, and emergency alerts as text messages on mobile phones, e-mail, and recorded landline messages. It is the fastest and most reliable way to reach the campus community.
© 2025 American International College