Transfer FAQ

Q: When will I know I am accepted? How will I know what courses transfer?
Non-Health Science majors will receive an admissions decision within 2 weeks of completing your application. Health Science majors may have to wait a bit longer depending on the time of year you apply. Official credit evaluations will be sent to you shortly thereafter.

Q: How many credits can transfer?

Students who have earned academic credit at other accredited four-year institutions of higher education may transfer credit up to a maximum of 90 semester hours. The number of credits that are transferred is determined when you are accepted to AIC. Each individual department stipulates which courses must be taken to fulfill the major or minor.

Students who have earned academic credit at an accredited two-year institution of higher education may transfer up to a maximum of 60 semester hours. For students who have received an Associate’s Degree, credit for all courses in which they received a minimal passing grade or better may be transferred and accounted toward the Bachelor’s Degree, even though the total number of transferable semester hours may exceed 60. If the number of transfer credits should exceed 75, students wishing to qualify for the Bachelor’s Degree will be required, in any case, to complete a minimum of 45 semester hours of credit work at AIC.

Q: What kinds of scholarships do you offer?

At AIC, we believe in rewarding our students for their hard work and academic achievements, and we do this by investing in their education right from the beginning.

AIC offers an academic merit scholarship to each accepted transfer student. Scholarship amounts range from $13,000 to $19,000 and stay with students for their remaining two years as they remain in good academic standing at AIC. For example, a student that receives the $19,000 Presidential Merit Scholarship will save a total of $38,000 during his or her time at AIC.

Q: What courses can transfer?

Transfer credit will be granted for courses successfully completed elsewhere only when those courses bear some reasonable relationship to courses in the college’s curriculum and have been completed with a grade which equates, at a minimum, with a grade of “C”.

AIC awards credit for successful completion of CLEP. Scores greater than or equal to 50 are considered “satisfactory completion.” We also accept transfer and CLEP credit that has been previously awarded by another accredited institution.

For Advanced Placement Tests offered by Education Testing Service, we award transfer credit and/or advanced placement for a score of 3 or better.

Q: Who decides what transfers?
The process of determining transfer credit may be initiated by the Admissions Office; the final determination of transfer credit is made by the Registrar in conjunction with the Dean of the school or the Vice President of Academic Affairs. Students will not receive an official credit evaluation until after they are admitted to AIC.

Q: My grades aren’t especially impressive. Do I still have to submit my full transcript?
All previous college transcripts must be submitted. Previous courses are calculated for Merit Scholarships as well as financial aid. This is especially important for athletes due to NCAA eligibility determination. However, when making an admissions decision, we do take into consideration the time frame as to which courses were taken and improvement over time.

Q: Do you have equivalency guides?
We do not currently publish any equivalencies.

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