Whether you’re already on a satisfying career path and need the credential that will keep you moving ahead, or whether you’re at a point in your life where you’ve decided to channel your intellect and ambition in a new direction, AIC offers graduate degrees that make a difference. For over sixty years, our programs have helped students achieve personal goals, make significant professional progress, and affect meaningful change in a wide variety of fields.
The quality of students coming out of AIC is extremely high. At ProEx Physical Therapy, one of our core beliefs is that quality prevails. That’s a foundation that starts at AIC. Their health science programs are very competitive, yet their students are extraordinarily humble and more than willing to jump in and get their hands dirty. That’s a unique combination, and it’s part of why we are always excited to work with AIC students in their clinical rotations.
We invite you to explore our many graduate programs and encourage you to reach out to us with any questions you have along the way. Click on a school below to see the various graduate programs offered within each of our respective schools.
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